

所属行业: 通信/电信(设备/运营/增值)+贸易/进出口
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 深圳市南山区文心二路茂业时代大厦24层E
公司介绍: Xibantronics is the Chinese branch of Mundo Reader, the Spanish producer of smartphones, tablets,electronic readers, and 3D printers founded in 2009. All our products are sold under the brand name “bq”. bq is the first European brand by sales in Spain and Portugal with more than 17% of the SIM-free market share insmartphones.Since our creation we have continued to grow both within and beyond Spain thanks to our focus on two basic principles: offering latest-generation devices at incredibly competitive prices, and ensuring total commitment to our users with the provision of integrated support services.In 2014, bq had more than 1300 employees worldwide in our Spain, France, Germany, Sweden and China. The average age of bq employees was 31 years-old in 2014, so we area young company with highly trained professionals eager to work hard to achieve the company goals.Xibantronics is a growing organization and we welcome all talented people to join us and grow with us.斯班特洛贸易(深圳)有限公司是一家外商独资企业,总部设立在西班牙--马德里,香港和深圳都设有分公司。我们设计、开发和生产消费电子类产品, 如智能手机、平板电脑、电子书以及3D打印机。我们的所有产品以“bq”品牌在西班牙、葡萄牙、德国、法国、瑞典等欧盟国家销售。2014年,该品牌智能手机占有西班牙及葡萄牙总消费市场的17%。我们也是第一家与Ubuntu合作生产ubuntu系统智能手机并销往欧盟市场的公司。公司在全世界现有员工1300多人,平均年龄31岁,所以我们是一家拥有众多年轻且训练有素的专业人士的企业。我们秉承“love Technology, Trust in Technology”的信念,热忱的期待年轻优秀,并能勇于挑战自我,超越自我的你加入我们的团队!

