

所属行业: 教育/培训/院校+专业服务(咨询/财会/法律/翻译等)
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 北京市东城区朝阳门银河SOHO D座50719室 查看地图
公司介绍: 关于PS-ONEAbout PS-ONE
PS-ONE (品思)国际艺术教育隶属于北京世通美嘉教育咨询有限公司,始创起于美国纽约,是一家专注于国际艺术教育、作品集培训、艺术留学申请规划、艺术职业培训的专业艺术培训机构,机构的核心团队均毕业于欧美艺术名校,其中不乏青年艺术家、顶尖设计师、院校导师,目前在全球有超过400名的艺术导师加入我们,为学生的艺术名校梦想保驾护航。 PS-ONE的作品集培训体系融入了欧美TOP院校的教学理念与精华课程,在保证学生成功进入顶级艺术大学的同时,也全面提升了学生的艺术综合能力。目前机构的总部设立于北京,并在纽约、成都、上海设有分支,并与欧美多所艺术院校、国际艺术教育机构、国际知名设计公司构保持良好的合作关系。凭借着强大的师资与完善的课程体系,成立至今PS-OEN已成功帮助数百名国内艺考生进入国外艺术名校学习深造。PS-ONE (Pinsi) Portfolio School is subordinate to Beijing Worldlink
Education Consulting Co. Ltd., which is originally founded in New York, USA.
PS-ONE is a professional art training institution specializing in international
art education, portfolio guidance, art school application planning and professional
art training. All core team members are graduates from famous European and
American art schools, many of them are young artists, top designers and tutors.
Now we have over 400 art tutors globally to ensure that the students can enter esteemed
art schools.
The academic system of PS-ONE has integrated the teaching concepts and essential courses of top
institutions in Europe and US, which will enhance the comprehensive artistic ability
of students while ensuring their successful entry to top arts schools. At
present, our head office is set in Beijing, with branches set in New York,
Chengdu and Shanghai. Besides, we also have maintained good cooperation with
many art institutions, international art education facilities and
internationally renowned design companies in Europe and US. With its
strong faculty and well-developed curriculum system, PS-ONE has successfully
helped hundreds of domestic art candidates admitted to famous foreign art
schools. ONEONE即为“一”,即使一切的起点与本源,也蕴意着整体性。它意味着艺术生涯的开始,也意味着PS-ONE品牌的整体性。有态度,更有内容。年轻的见解,成熟的专业能力。2017年9月23日PS-ONE与ArtOne达成战略合作。ONEONE相遇的碰撞,将为PS-ONE带来更为直接的院校对接,和更为优质的教育资源!ONE” represents
the nature of both origin and integrity. It indicates the beginning of the art
career and shows the coherence of our brand of PS-ONE.Attitudes, but more contents.Young insights, mature professional skills.On September 23, 2017, PS-ONE and ArtOne
have reached a strategic partnership. The ONE ONE encounter and collision will
bring PS-ONE more direct connections to foreign colleges and universities and
more excellent educational resources!ONE Objective我们愿倾注所有的专业积淀,以热诚的教学态度为学生带来关于艺术留学、设计探索、能力拓展、设计思维养成的多种可能。每一位学生都是一位未来的艺术家,绝不是一单生意。认真对待每一个学生专注完成每一节课程

