

所属行业: 政府/公共事业/非盈利机构+农/林/牧/渔
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 20-99人
公司地址: 红枫路425号
公司介绍: Representing the Canadian forest industry in China, Canada Wood China in cooperation with Forestry Innovation Investment (also known collectively as the China Enterprise) has been instrumental in the successful first phase of a strategy to introduce wood frame construction to the Chinese market and significantly increase the volume of Canadian lumber consumption in China. The China Enterprise is entering the next phase of the China strategy to build on opportunities that advance Canadian wood use in China’s construction sector to increase the export of high value wood products to China.

One of these opportunities relates to recent changes to government policy in China designed to address China’s concern over climate change. Increased concerns regarding greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, life-cycle assessment (LCA) and the need to advance green and energy efficient building practices has opened up opportunities to increase the knowledge and awareness of carbon sequestration and the promotion of the use of wood from sustainably managed forests. The use of BC wood in construction is well-positioned to assist China in reaching its targets to reduce its carbon footprint.

