

所属行业: 娱乐/体育/休闲+媒体/出版/影视/文化传播,零售/批发,耐用消费品...
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 上海市湖滨路222号企业天地一期
公司介绍: 公司介绍华特迪士尼公司是全世界最大的家庭娱乐公司,由六大品牌组成:迪士尼、皮克斯、漫威、ABC、ESPN及卢卡斯影业。迪士尼与旗下附属企业及分支机构共同构成了一家领先的多元化国际家庭娱乐公司,其四项业务包括: ·媒体网络——迪士尼频道、迪士尼媒体发行和ESPN; ·迪士尼消费品与互动媒体——迪士尼消费品部、迪士尼商店、迪士尼全球出版公司、迪士尼英语;迪士尼互动工作室、迪士尼互联网和迪士尼互动媒体 ·影视娱乐——华特迪士尼电影集团国际部、华特迪士尼家庭娱乐和迪士尼戏剧制作集团; ·主题乐园及度假区—— 迪士尼全球目的地 迪士尼中国的业务是公司的战略重点。华特迪士尼公司于20世纪30年代进入中国市场,当时就凭借动画片《白雪公主和七个小矮人》初次赢得了中国观众的喜爱。迪士尼中国始终致力于为中国观众带来触及心灵,独具一格的娱乐体验。现在,你就有机会供职迪士尼,开启人生的新篇章。快来加入这支卓越的团队,为世界各地的观众和消费者提供更多无与伦比的作品和服务。用您的专业知识、技能和追求卓越的承诺,与我们共同铸就迪士尼的美好未来。Company IntroductionThe Walt Disney Company is the world's biggest family entertainment company powered by the biggest brands in storytelling: Disney, Pixar, Marvel, ABC, ESPN and Lucasfilm. Together with our subsidiaries and affiliates, Disney is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with four business segments: ·Media Networks – Disney Channels, Disney Media Distribution, ESPN · Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media - Consumer Products, Disney Store, Publishing, Disney Interactive Studios,, Disney Mobile and Disney Interactive Media ·Studio Entertainment – Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, Disney Theatrical Group ·Parks and Resorts – Disney Destinations International Disney China is a strategic priority for the company. Disney has had a presence in China since the 1930’s when the animated film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” first delighted audiences. Disney China is committed to delivering special entertainment with heart to Chinese audiences anywhere, anytime.
Now you may have the opportunity to open a new chapter in your life with a career at Disney. Join the talented team that develops, delivers and supports unparalleled creative content to audiences and consumers around the world. Share your expertise, skill and commitment to excellence with us, and be a part of Disney's future.

