

所属行业: 汽车/摩托车(制造/维护/配件/销售/服务/租赁)+加工制造(原料...
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 浙江宁波市宁波市大榭开发区榭西工业区雪窦山路
公司介绍: 宁波斯贝科技缸套有限公司始建于1998年10月8日,是国内专业生产摩托车汽缸体的生产厂家,位于宁波大榭开发区榭西工业园区,占地2万平方米,公司固定资产近一亿元,从合金铁铸造到模具开发、高精度铝合金压铸技术具有国内领先科技地位。  “思贝”牌气缸体采用新颖树脂砂铸造工艺和高强度ADC12铝合金压铸技术,以优质耐磨合金铸铁材料为基体的气缸体,其耐磨性高于一般硼铸铁气缸体60%,科技含量国内领先,长期受国内用户好评,产品供不应求,五大系列近100种规格品种,年生产气缸体近500万件,产值2亿元,占全国总量的四分之一。  九年来,公司始终坚持“客户的要求就是努力的目标,我们的细心就是用户的放心”的质量理念,始终贯彻“以人为本,不断改善是我的永恒的目标”的管理模式。公司早在1999年就通过了ISO9002质量体系认证,又在2005年通过了ISO9001:2000万泰国际质量体系认证。管理水平不断提高,尤其是在和本田公司、铃木公司、大长江集团公司等著名外资企业的配套合作后,公司更注重了设备的升级换代,技术的改革更新,工艺的研究开发,以及引进北京北方红旗专机、和进口加工中心等高端精加工设备,三座标测量中心、精密分析仪器。同时引进人才,使产品的质量显著地提高。同时配以优质的售后服务,深得配套单位和用户的信赖和好评。1998年至2000年被宁波市工商局评为“重合同守信用”单位,在历年的年检重被评定为“优秀年检单位”,荣获“AA”和“AAA”级;2002年被评选上浙江省级“诚信企业”。  由于市场的需要,2006年斯贝公司在广东江门又建立了江门斯贝科技缸套有限公司,在宁波柴桥新建了通日机械厂。至此,宁波斯贝科技缸套有限公司已经成为一个拥有二家公司,一家工厂,一个大酒店,一个灯泡材料经营部,二家股份公司,一家配套烤漆厂的大企业。年产值近2个亿。八年半的奋斗,使“思贝”牌名声大噪,从零开始的斯贝,创造了大榭民营企业的增长速度,斯贝的发展速度成了中国摩托车行业发展的一个里程碑。斯贝的产品抢占了摩托车双合金中缸气缸体的四分之一的市场,竖立了自己的品牌。  在改革开放的大好形势下,我们斯贝公司面临机遇与挑战,在市场经济和谐的大环境中,不断地“否定昨天,超越自我”,求实创新,永不放弃,永不满足,众志成城,坚定向前,以“思贝”品牌高质量的产品和优质服务贡献社会。   我司积极参与国内外摩托车厂的配套合作,在做好国内市场的同时,积极开拓国外市场,产品出口到美国、欧洲、中东和亚洲地区。
Ningbo Spey Scientific Cylinder Co., Ltd was founded in October 8, 1998, which is the manufacturer specialized in production of motorcycle cylinders in our country, located in Xiexi Industrial Park, in Daxie economic development zone, covering 20,000 m2 and fixed assets nearly 100 million. We are advanced in the technology of alloy iron casting, mould development and precision aluminum alloy die-casting in our country.
Spey brand cylinder adopts the new resin bonded sand casting production process and high strength ADC12 aluminum alloy die casting technology and takes iron wear resistant alloy with high quality as basal body of cylinder. Its wear resistance is 60% higher than that of boron cast iron. The scientific and technological content leads in domestic production. Thus, it receives good reputation from users in long term which also makes that demand exceeds supply. Annual cylinder production is about 5,000,000 sets for its five series containing nearly 100 specifications, with output value about 200 million, one quarter of the total value in China.
During the passed 10 years, the company has kept in persisting in the quality concept“Customers’ requirement is our target and customers’ satisfaction is our carefulness achievement”, carrying out the management mode“people oriented, improvement continued is our persistent target”. The company has got certification of ISO9002 quality system in 1999 and than got the certification of ISO9001:2000 Wantai quality system in 2005.The management level is improved continually after cooperation with the famous foreign capital enterprises such as Honda, Suzuki, grand river group, the company paid more attention to the update of equipments, reform and renewal of the technology, research and development of the process and introduce high precision machining equipments such as Beijing North Red Flag Special Machine and imported machining center, three coordinate measuring center and precision analysis instruments. Meantime, the talents introduction and good service after sale make great improvement in the quality of the products and get good reputation from the matching cooperators and users. It was evaluated as the unit of striving for reputation and following contract by commercial bureau of Ningbo from 1998 to 2000,evaluated to be excellent annual inspection unit in the passed years and was honored grade“AA”,“AAA”.In 2002,it was evaluated to be credit enterprise in Zhejiang Province.
Due to the market need, Spey built Jiangmen Spey Scientific Cylinder Ltd and Tongri Machining Factory in Chaiqiao, Ningbo in 2006.So far, Ningbo Spey Scientific Cylinder Company has become a large enterprise owning two companies, one factory, one Hotel, one bulb material operation department, two stock companies and one baking factory. Its annual output value is nearly¥200,000,000. Eight-and-in-half-year’s hard work makes Spey brand widely known, and Spey creates the increasing speed of Daxie civil enterprises from scratch. The development speed of Spey has become a milestone in Chinese Motorcycle’s industry. Spey’s products have covered one quarter of the motorcycles market in double alloy cylinder and succeed in its own brand.
Under the wonderful situation of reform, Spey continues to deny yesterday and surpass itself to seek the truth and innovation in the harmonious market economic when faces both opportunity and challenge. Never give up and satisfy its current status. Instead, Spey will keep its concept to go forward and contribute the society with high quality Spey brand products and service.
Our company cooperates with domestic and overseas motorcycle factories actively and explores foreign market, exporting products to America, Euro, Middle East and Asia.

