

所属行业: 保险+其他
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 龙岗区坂田创兴时代大厦8楼
公司介绍: 友邦集团公司简介: 友邦保险控股有限公司及其附属公司(统称「友邦保险」或「本集团」)是最大的泛亚地区独立上市人寿保险集团,在亚太区18个市场营运,包括在中国香港、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚、中国大陆、韩国、菲律宾、澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、中国台湾、越南、新西兰、中国澳门和文莱拥有全资的分公司及附属公司、斯里兰卡附属公司的97%权益、印度合资公司的26%权益,以及在缅甸的代表处。 友邦中国简介: 1992年,作为第一家获许在中国经营保险业务的外资公司,友邦保险上海分公司成立,为上海市民提供一系列人寿保险产品及服务。1995年,友邦保险在广东设立分公司,随后又于1999年设立佛山支公司及深圳分公司。2002年,友邦保险北京分公司、江苏分公司、东莞支公司和江门支公司相继开业。友邦保险提供一系列的产品及服务,涵盖寿险、意外及医疗保险和储蓄计划,以满足个人客户在长期储蓄及保障方面的需要。此外,本集团亦为企业客户提供雇员福利、信贷保险和退休保障服务。集团透过遍布亚太区的庞大专属代理、伙伴及员工网络,为超过2,800万份个人保单的持有人及逾1,600万名团体保险计划的参与成员提供服务。友邦保险控股有限公司于香港联合交易所有限公司主板上市(股份代号为「1299」);其美国预托证券(一级)于场外交易市场进行买卖(交易编号为「AAGIY」)。宝塔山宝延团队介绍友邦保险深圳分公司宝塔山家族成立于2003年3月1日,目前家族人力近260人,总部在罗湖地王大厦,我们分支团队主管辜水英是2007年加入团队至今,现我们在坂田营销服务部。宝塔山家族创始人孟天早业务总监于2000您5月到访延安,参观老一辈革命家的旧居,枣园,王家坪,清凉山,宝塔山会议礼堂。后有感而发,顾将家族命名为“宝塔山”。其意为塔里有宝,取宝请来宝塔山。也象征了今天我们年轻一代要继续保持老一辈的革命精神,坚持保险正道,让我们的事业像宝塔山一样节节攀升,蒸蒸日上并在拼搏中取到我们事业的胜利!我们的使命:坚持保险正道,使千万家庭拥有富足,从容的生活!我们坂田营销团队预计在今年年底要晋升三位经理,三年内晋升一位总监,我们需要志同道合的您和我们一起共创美好幸福的人生!About AIA AIA Group Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively “AIA” or the “Group”) comprise the largest independent publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group. It has operations in 17 markets in Asia-Pacific – wholly-owned branches and subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Korea, the Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, New Zealand, Macau, Brunei, a 97 per cent subsidiary in Sri Lanka, a 26 per cent joint venture in India and a representative office in Myanmar.The business that is now AIA was first established in Shanghai over 90 years ago. It is a market leader in the Asia-Pacific region (ex-Japan) based on life insurance premiums and holds leading positions across the majority of its markets. It had total assets of US$167 billion as of 30 November 2014. AIA meets the long-term savings and protection needs of individuals by offering a range of products and services including life insurance, accident and health insurance and savings plans. The Group also provides employee benefits, credit life and pension services to corporate clients. Through an extensive network of agents, partners and employees across Asia-Pacific, AIA serves the holders of more than 28 million individual policies and over 16 million participating members of group insurance schemes.AIA Group Limited is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under the stock code “1299” with American Depositary Receipts (Level 1) traded on the over-the-counter market (ticker symbol: “AAGIY”).  About AIA ChinaAIA China started its operations in Shanghai, China, in 1992 and was the first wholly-owned non-mainland Chinese life insurer to receive an operating license. Today, AIA China has expanded into Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces. As the first insurer to introduce the agency system to China, AIA China has established a professional agency force and markets a range of life insurance, accidental and health insurance and saving plans to customers through our multi-channel distribution system.

