

所属行业: 医疗设备/器械+医药/生物工程
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 20-99人
公司地址: 北京市大兴区中关村科技园区大兴生物医药产业基地天荣街19号6幢...
公司介绍: 科睿弛(北京)医疗科技发展有限公司,是领先的微创介入输送系统产品全解决方案提供商。致力于在微创介入领域与国内外顶尖专家协作,和国际知名原材料厂家合作,共同开发、生产、销售领先产品。为医生提供差异化的诊疗工具、为患者缓解病痛并降低医疗负担。医疗及企业管理教育背景的创始人团队在介入器械领域具有十余年丰富经验, 透彻的市场阅读能力,在红海市场中精准定位在细分的差异化蓝海市场,既往曾经带领多家新型医疗器械公司完成市场导入、资本运作,在成功经验基础上迈向更大属于科睿弛的成功。公司成立在北京中关村生命科学园大兴生物医药基地,致力于用优良的业绩回馈投资人,同时为有志者提供实现梦想的舞台。公司的价值观:客户导向、 尊重每个伙伴的付出、分享互助、平等、友好、持续学习型组织。广阔天地大有可为,欢迎青年才俊加入实现梦想的舞台!科睿驰致力于将最前沿医械平台性科技应用于开发设计新一代本土及国际临床应用产品,同时联合临床医生战略性合作跟踪提供实时临床反馈,将顶尖的国内市场加研发团队配置国外优势科技资源以协作方式快速迭代开发全新医疗技术及其在不同领域的应用。



OverviewCardiolink Science Ltd. is a dynamic
medical device company focusing on developing and manufacturing innovative
products with its partners to address unmet needs in the vascular intervention.
We work with the physicians that are key opinion leaders in their fields and
collaborate with global partners in product development, R&D, manufacturing
and sales to make available of differentiated devices of diagnosis and therapy
for our doctors and patients to improve disease outcome and reduce medical
costsOur executive team has on average more than
15 years of experience in medical industry and enterprise management and has
brought their unique insights of market into finding and performing in the blue
ocean to fast grow company’s value and achieving excellenceWe strive for the highest levels of
quality, service and innovation in a creative and entrepreneurial environment
where employees are encouraged to think and work differently for the benefit of
our patients, end users, products and employees. Cardiolink is an equal
opportunity workplace with strong emphasis on diversity, fairness, trust and
respect resulting in employees achieving their very best with acknowledgment
and rewarded at every step Mission

The mission of Cardiolink Science is to
develop leading medical devices to benefit physician and relief patience’s
pain; to generate high return on investment by efficient operations; to provide
a stage for employees who dream big 公司网站:www.

