

所属行业: 教育/培训/院校
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 20-99人
公司地址: 徐州市云龙区云龙万达广场二楼 查看地图
公司介绍: 关于爱贝国际少儿英语爱贝国际少儿英语,美国American Baby Internationl Education Ltd.授权高端品牌,3-12岁幼少儿教育权威品牌,全球教育出版巨头培生集团(person)战略合作伙伴。截止2016年12月31日,爱贝国际少儿英语走进24个省市,开办了近190家分校,已成为全国规模最大的全外教少儿英语培训品牌。爱贝品牌:愿景:爱贝国际少儿英语坚信,在这个充满创新的挑战的时代,只要我们遵循正确的学习理念和路径,每个孩子都能做好“speak Like American Born”的21世纪国际小公民。使命:一切从孩子出发,让更多的中国孩子有机会享受到优质的美国教育资源,掌握英语教育技能,从而提升物质和精神生活水平。原则:务实、高效宗旨:打造更适合中国孩子的、专业的、高端的英语教育第一品牌!核心价值观:What can we Do Better?品牌文化:HEARTS,即诚信Honesty、热情Enthusiasm、成就Achievement、责任Responsibility、团队Team、服务Service教学理念:倡导以21世纪技能为主的全人发展,培养具备:Life and CareerSkills(生活和职业规划能力)、Learning and innovation Skills(学习和创新能力)、information、Media and Technology Skills(信息、媒体和技术能力)这三大方面技能的21世纪国际公民。About ABIEAmerican Baby International Education Ltd Authorized high-end brand,3-12 years old children education authority brand,Person,Global education publishersis ABIE Strategic partner.As of December 31, 2016, ABIE internationalEnglish has entered 24 provinces and cities, and has opened nearly 190 branches, which has become the largest foreign language training brand in the whole country.ABIE brand Vision:ABIE believe that in this era of innovative challenges, as long as we follow the right learning philosophy and path,every child can speak Like American Born in the 21st century.Mission:All from the children, let more Chinese children have the opportunity to enjoy the excellent American education resources, master the English education skills, so as to enhance the material and spiritual standard of living.Principle: Practical and efficientAim: Build a professional, professional and high-end English education brand for Chinese children.Core values:What Can We Do Better?Brand culture:Heart,Honesty、Enthusiasm、Achievement、Responsibility Team、Service.Teaching Philosophy: Advocating for 21st century skills,raise hasLife and Career Skills,Learning and innovation Skills,information,Media and Technology Skills,these three skills of the 21st century international citizen

