

所属行业: 仪器仪表及工业自动化+电气/电力/水利,医疗设备/器械,能源/矿产/...
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 10000人以上
公司地址: 朝阳区望京中环南路7号
公司介绍: 关于西门子在中国:西门子股份公司是全球领先的技术企业,创立于1847年,业务遍及全球200多个国家,专注于电气化、自动化和数字化领域。作为世界最大的高效能源和资源节约型技术供应商之一,西门子在高效发电和输电解决方案、基础设施解决方案、工业自动化、驱动和软件解决方案,以及医疗成像设备和实验室诊断等领域占据领先地位。西门子自1872年进入中国,140余年来以创新的技术、卓越的解决方案和产品坚持不懈地对中国的发展提供全面支持,并以出众的品质和令人信赖的可靠性、领先的技术成就、不懈的创新追求,在业界独树一帜。2016财年(2015年10月1日至2016年9月30日),西门子在中国的总营收达到64.4亿欧元,拥有约31000名员工。西门子已经发展成为中国社会和经济不可分割的一部分,并竭诚与中国携手合作,共同致力于实现可持续发展。About Siemens in China:Siemens AG, founded in 1847, is a global technology powerhouse active in more than 200 countries, focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization. One of the world’s largest producers of energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies, Siemens has leading positions in efficient power generation and power transmission solutions, infrastructure solutions, automation, drive and software solutions, as well as medical imaging equipment and laboratory diagnostics. For more than 140 years since its entering into China in 1872, Siemens has pioneered cooperation with the country with its solutions, technologies and products, and has been known in the country for its quality and reliability, technological excellence and innovation. In Fiscal Year 2016 (October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016), Siemens generated revenue of €6.44 billion in China, with around 31,000 employees. Siemens has become an integral part of the Chinese economy and society, and continues to partner with the country to address her pursuit of sustainable development.

