

所属行业: 汽车/摩托车(制造/维护/配件/销售/服务/租赁)+加工制造(原料...
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 沈阳市沈北新区虎石台大望街70号 查看地图
公司介绍: 德科斯米尔集团是全球汽车行业的合作伙伴。我们的客户主要有宝马、奔驰、奥迪、通用、大众等等。我们的生产基地遍布全球,目前有50000多名员工。
* 德科斯米尔(沈阳)汽车配件有限公司是在2003年注册的德国独资企业,主要为华晨宝马汽车公司生产的3 系和5系汽车提供汽车线束及内饰品。
* 2011年,德科斯米尔集团为配合客户在中国的业务发展,同时扩大产品生产规模,从而在辽宁省本溪市本溪满族自治县小市镇工业园区建立新的汽车线束生产工厂,并成立德科斯米尔(本溪)汽车电气有限公司。
* 廊坊公司目前正在组建过程中,急需那些在生产、质量、物流和技术领域有相关经验的有志之士加盟!
Draexlmaier Group is a system partner in the international automobile industry. Our main customers are Audi, BMW, Daimler, GM, and Volkswagen... Our plants are located all over the world with more than 50000 employees.
* Draexlmaier (Shenyang) Automotive Components Co., Ltd was founded in 2003. It is a German owned company which produces wiring harnesses and interior parts for BMW 3 series and 5 series.
* In order to cooperate customer business development ,meanwhile expand production scale in China,Draexlmaier (Benxi) automotive Electrics Co., Ltd.was founded in 2011 to specializes in the production of automotive wiring harness in Xiaoshi Industry Area in Benxi Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi, China.
* Now,Lang Fang plant was on the process of construction we are looking for the candidates who have relative working experience in the field of production, quality, logistics and technology.

