

所属行业: 教育/培训/院校+学术/科研
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 威海市环翠区靖子风景区
公司介绍: 威海常春藤国际预科学校是英国剑桥考试委员会(Cambridge International Examinations,简称CIE)在威海市区内唯一授权的剑桥国际考试中心。同时也是威海市教育局批准的威海市第一家专业从事海外留学教育的全日制学校。学校旨在为有意去国外留学的国内高中生和初中生提供通往国外高校的平台以及提供国外优质的教育理念和教育课程。
Weihai Ivy International Preparatory School is the FIRST full-time school, officially approved by Weihai Municipal Bureau of Education, specializing in overseas education all over Weihai. Officially authorized by CIE in September, 2012, Weihai Ivy IPS is the exclusive educational institution, as well as the test centre of IGCSEs & A Levels courses in urban Weihai.  We provide the path overseas to world famous universities and colleges for local secondary school students who are interested in pursuing advanced studies abroad. Holding the concept of high quality educating and the teaching molds of small-size and personalized classes, Weihai Ivy IPS recruited the best staff team on teaching and administrating. All our teachers, both local and foreign, are qualified teaching certificate holders with international background and rich work experience, which ensure the highest quality of our courses. Cooperation in various means is conducted between universities of US, UK, Canada, Australia and Korea and Weihai Ivy IPS. Regular international academic exchanges are organized to meet the demand of the current overseas-study market.

