

所属行业: 贸易/进出口
公司性质: 民营
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 山东省临沂市经济开发区沂河路国际北方家具建材城
公司介绍: 临沂临华进出口贸易有限公司,注册在美丽的革命老区。山东省临沂市。公司主要经营家居建材,五金配件,化工原料的进出口贸易。公司并且在国外有分公司:常青木业乌干达有限公司 和 欧米茄家具材料装饰有限公司’常青木业(乌干达)有限公司是一家位于非洲明珠-乌干达的中资企业。业务涉及生产制造、林业开发、机械商贸等领域。公司有全资子公司两个OMEGA FURNITURE SOLUTIONS LTD 和EVERGREEN WOOD INDUSTRIES LTD.常青木业(乌干达)有限公司位于皮吉地区,离首都中心30分钟路程。占地300亩。现一期厂房占地面积达10000平方,从国内引进先进的设备和专业的生产团队,生产各种胶合板,包括建筑模板,清水模板,多层板和生态板等。日产量达5000张以上。公司是乌干达进出口局会员单位。产品畅销乌干达以及卢旺达、刚果、布隆迪、南苏丹等东盟国家。公司坚持走本土化战略,不忘社会责任。直接为乌干达当地提供300余就业机会。奥米茄家具装饰材料公司,是一家国际贸易公司。公司成立于2012年。坐落在乌干达首都,工业区内。主要经营各种建筑,装修材料,五金工具。目前公司注册的OMEGA品牌的家具配件,万能胶及板材畅销乌干达市场。公司与江苏东成电动工具、山东寿光三洋木业等集团公司有长期代理和战略合作关系,积极沟通和繁荣中国和乌干达两地市场。未来,企业将凭借雄厚的技术实力,细致高效的服务,精益求精的产品质量,无视的企业精神,不断拓展新的产品和市场,同社会各界共同开创乌干达林业开发的新局面Evergreen Wood Industries Ltd located in a country known as the Pearl Of Africa –Uganda, has developed as a comprehensive Chinese Enterprise. We currently have 2 wholly-owned subsidiaries in Uganda as Omega Furniture Solutions Ltd and Evergreen Wood Industries Ltd with our business that mainly covers Manufacturing forest developing machinery trading. Evergreen Wood Industries Ltd has been located at Mpigi District 30 minutes drive from Kampala City center. The prevent plant covers 50 acres land. The size of the first phase plant is more than 10000㎡ With the advanced production line and qualified management team, the company produces more than 5000pcs daily of all kinds of plywood including marine plywood ,film faced plywood and block board.. It is member company of Uganda Export Promotions Board. The products are sold and well-known with Uganda Rwanda South Sudan Cogon and other East Africa Countries. The company stands firm and strong with its development strategy of localization and build more than 200 job opportunities. Omega Furniture Solutions Ltd has been started at 2012 as an international trading company. It is located at 7 th street industries area kampala. The company mainly deals in all kinds of building and decoration materials. The company registered OMEGA brand furniture fitting adhesive glue are well-known in Uganda Market. We have already built strategic cooperation with Jangsu Dongcheng M/C Ltd and Shouguang Sanyang Wood Industries ltd and enlarge bothChinaandUgandamarketIn the furniture , through abundant technical strength and efficient service ,along with constantly improving quality and reliable reputation, the company will keep striving to develop new products and broaden market so at to realize the fresh progress of forest developing inUganda    本公司因工作需要现特面向社会诚聘以下工作人员 1.       会计主管 1名性别不限 年龄 不限 性格开朗,能主动与团队人员配合良好,吃苦耐劳,有责任感和进取心,可在长驻国外工作。学历:大专及以上学历,有会计工作经验优先。  岗位职责:1、审批财务收支,审阅财务专题报告和会计报表,对重大的财务收支计划 进行会签;2、编制预算和执行预算,参与拟订资金筹措和使用方案,确保资金的有效使用;3、审查公司对外提供的会计资料;4、负责审核公司本部和各下属单位上报的会计报表和集团公司会计报表,编制财务综合分析报告和专题分析报告,为公司领导决策提供可靠的依据;5、制订公司内部财务、会计制度和工作程序,经批准后组织实施并监督执行;6、组织编制与实现公司的财务收支计划、信贷计划与成本费用计划。任职资格:1、会计相关专业,大专以上学历;2、2年以上工作经验,有一般纳税人企业工作经验者优先;3、认真细致,爱岗敬业,吃苦耐劳,有良好的职业操守;4、思维敏捷,接受能力强,能独立思考,善于总结工作经验;5、熟练应用财务及Office办公软件,对金蝶、用友等财务系统有实际操作者优先;6、具有良好的沟通能力;

