

所属行业: 大型设备/机电设备/重工业+加工制造(原料加工/模具)
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 江苏省太仓市青岛西路5号 查看地图
公司介绍: 爱科集团(AL-KO KOBER SE)是一家拥有85年历史的德国巴伐利亚家族式企业;同时也是一家跨国企业,全球拥有4200名员工,超过50家分公司,年7亿欧元销售额;业务范围包含车辆技术、园艺与家用机械、空气处理技术三大领域及十余个细分行业;作为上述领域的全球顶尖品牌和行业技术领导者,爱科始终秉承“价值源于科技,品质成就生活”的企业理念,通过注重产品细节和持续性研发创新,使公司不断发展前进。
爱科空气处理技术(苏州)有限公司是德国爱科集团的独资子公司,成立于1998年,工厂位于江苏省苏州市太仓经济技术开发区。是德国爱科空气处理技术部门在亚太地区的生产和销售总部,并下设北京、上海、广州、天津分公司和新加坡办事处。生产并销售组合式空气处理机组、空气净化器等空调产品,产品具备余热回收、节能、净化、智能控制等多项国际领先技术优势,被广泛应用于PHL净化领域(如用于制药工艺、医院手术室、高等级生物实验室的空调机组)、工业制造领域(如用于汽车制造、飞机制造、电子生产、烟草加工、工业喷涂及各种工业厂房的空调机组)、船舶及海洋工程领域(船用空调机组)、云计算及数据处理中心领域(新型机房空调)、商业公建及民用住宅领域(商用空调机组) 以及家用领域(户式新风机及空气净化器)。
AL-KO KOBER SE is a family enterprise with a history of 85 years, headquarter located in Koetz, Bavaria, Germany. As a multinational enterprise, AL-KO employs around 4200 people at 50 branches across the globe and its annual turnover has reached 700 million euros. AL-KO business covers three major divisions of Vehicle Technology, Garden + Hobby and Air Technology and over ten subdivided industries. As the world's top brand and leading provider in the industry, the family business is now still managed as per the founder's wishes: Value From Science and Quality For Life. We constantly strive for unique product quality and continuous research and development, which keep the company moving forward.
AL-KO air technology and its products are dedicated to the ideal indoor temperature, humidity, hygienic quality and noise control. And we guarantee our customers ideal climate environment, e.g. airflow field, according to their demands.
AL-KO Air Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AL-KO KOBER SE. Founded in 1998, the factory is located in Taicang EconomicDevelopment Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. It is the production and sales headquarter of AL-KO air technology division in Asia Pacific Region and has branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and office in Singapore. AL-KO Taicang produces and sells combined air handling units and air purifiers. With international leading advantages of heat recovery, energy saving, hygiene and smart control, AL-KO products are widely used in PHL hygienic fields (e.g. units applied in pharmaceutical factories, hospital operating rooms and high grade biological laboratories), industrial manufacturing fields (e.g. units applied in automobile manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, tobacco processing, industrial painting and all kinds of industrial plant), ship and marine engineering fields( units applied in ships), cloud computing and data processing center(new computer room air conditioning), commercial building and residential areas (commercial air conditioning units) and household appliances (household fresh air unit and air purifier).

AL-KO is also the strategic partner of KRANTZ in Asia Pacific Region, a famous German brand in air conditioning, filtering and exhaust gas treatment. AL-KO sells KRANTZ products, including air conditioning outlets and end products ( outlets, chilled beams and cooling ceiling systems), biological laboratory and nuclear security filtering and draining device and VOC waste gas treatment equipment.

