

所属行业: 仪器仪表及工业自动化+IT服务(系统/数据/维护),计算机硬件及...
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 福田报税区蓝花道7号 查看地图
公司介绍: 昱科环球存储科技(深圳)有限公司(原日立环球存储科技(深圳)有限公司),成立于1998年1月。公司位于中国深圳市福田保税区,是财富500强美国西部数据集团旗下HGST公司在华全资子公司。2003年8月,总公司斥资数亿美元将位于美国和日本的硬盘磁碟生产转至深圳,从而成为区域内最大的硬盘产业投资者,而昱科环球存储科技(深圳)有限公司则成为中国首家硬盘磁碟制造企业。作为HGST全球磁碟生产竞争力中心,公司已成为全球最大的磁碟厂商之一,并以领先业界的成本优势提供着代表最尖端技术的高品质磁碟产品。目前,昱科环球存储科技(深圳)有限公司投资总额近三亿五千万美元,注册资本达六千万美元。公司总占地面积近5万平方米,拥有世界先进的生产厂房和办公设施,提供不间断生产。目前,公司拥有员工3,000名左右。多年来,公司不断加大在本地的投资,生产规模和运营取得了飞跃发展,对本地经济的繁荣与发展做出了突出贡献。在追求卓越运营同时,公司还不遗余力地引进行业最尖端技术、大力培养本地人才、打造优秀企业文化并积极履行企业社会责任。自成立以来,公司凭借其卓越的产品品质、对本地的贡献及履行企业社会责任等方面的努力,获得多项政府及客户奖项,包括全国外商投资双优企业、深圳市工业百强企业和由中国商务部颁发的“履行企业社会责任贡献突出奖”等。HGST公司由硬盘行业先驱创立,致力于以高价值的存储解决方案满足广泛的市场需求,产品广泛应用于企业级服务器电脑、台式电脑、便携式电子设备、消费类电子产品及个人存储等领域。公司秉承硬盘行业先驱的尖端科技,人才和制造优势,以研究、设计及制造的垂直整合实力致力于开发先进的硬盘、企业级固态硬盘和具有创新性的外置存储解决方案及服务,用于存储、保护以及管理全世界有价值的数据。HGST (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd (formerly known as Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd) was established in January 1998. Located in Shenzhen Futian Free Trade Zone, HGST (Shenzhen) is a wholly-owned hi-tech hard disk drive media manufacturing site in China of HGST, a Western Digital company. In August 2003, HGST invested several hundred million dollars to move the majority of its global media manufacturing operations from the USA and Japan to Shenzhen, making itself the largest HDD industry investor in the region and HGST (Shenzhen) the first media manufacturing plant in China. As HGST’s center of competency for media manufacturing, HGST (Shenzhen) has become one of the largest media suppliers worldwide, delivering the best-of-breed media products with highly competitive cost and the most advanced technology. Presently, HGST (Shenzhen)’s total investment amount is nearly $350m, with a registered capital of $60m.HGST (Shenzhen) has a land area of nearly 50,000m2, with its world-class manufacturing and office facilities featuring non-stop production capability. Currently, HGST (Shenzhen) employs about 3,000 employees. Over the years, the company has been constantly expanding its investment and business in Shenzhen. It continuously introduces state-of- art technologies and manufacturing techniques to China and has become a key contributor to local economic prosperity and development. Besides the company’s excellent operations, HGST (Shenzhen) has also been making significant efforts in building R&D capability, developing local talents, fostering distinguished culture and fulfilling corporate social responsibilities in local community. The company has been granted various awards by the government and customers for its superior product quality, great contribution to local economy and development and efforts in corporate social responsibility ever since its establishment, such as “National Duel-Excellence Foreign温馨提示: 近日发现有不法人员冒充我公司进行招聘,骗取求职者在公司外场所面试,并乘机进行不法活动。 郑重声明: 1、我公司大陆华南区所有职位工作地点均在深圳市(详细地址见下方); 2、若我公司举行专场招聘会,时间和地点在卓博人才网公布; 3、所有通知面试及沟通来往邮件均为我公司专用邮箱(后缀名为 若对我公司招聘信息有任何疑问,请随时致电咨询、鉴别;如遇不法分子冒充我公司进行招聘的行为,请及时向我公司或者相关执法部门进行举报; 4、昱科环球存储科技(深圳)有限公司,不收取求职者任何押金或费用; 5、我们遵守所有适用的人权和劳动法规,不会在就业的任何一个环节非法歧视他人。公司名称:昱科环球存储科技(深圳)有限公司 公司地址:深圳市福田保税区蓝花道7号 联系电话:0755-88255777

