

所属行业: 加工制造(原料加工/模具)+石油/石化/化工
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 大武口区胜利东街325号 查看地图
公司介绍: 你是否期待富有激情的工作?你是否希望实现自己的价值?你是否期望能在跨国公司工作,与各国优秀的同事共事交流与学习?你是否愿意接受挑战,迅速成长?那么,加入埃肯公司吧!我们欢迎你的到来与共同努力发展!埃肯公司,总部在挪威,拥有110多年历史,全球有6000多名研发人员与员工,在金属与材料行业具有世界领先地位。 埃肯公司有四个业务集团,其中埃肯铸造业务集团,分布于欧洲、亚洲、北美洲、亚洲,有经验丰富的生产运营团队及技术服务团队,为铸铁厂和钢铁厂提供创新的解决方案,主要客户是汽车、风电、管道和工程行业。其中埃肯铸造中国的工厂位于中国宁夏石嘴山大武口市,成立于2005年,随着市场需求的不断增加并于2017年新建工厂,为亚洲市场提供优质可靠的产品。埃肯公司的价值观是“尊重、精准、参与、持续改进”,致力于打造一个富有激情,高效,创新,多元化的团队,实现每个人的持续成长与公司的快速发展。我们期待你的加入,共创未来!记得,在这里你的心有多大,平台就有多大!Did you ever want to work in an environment that welcomes your ideas?Do you want to express your passion for work and see the change made by you?Would you like a working position that will allow you to advance, as you work in an international group, while keeping cooperation with many different countries?Then we are pleased to invite you to join Elkem, an international company with over 6000 employees worldwide, an advanced technology provider with 110 years of history,  the environment friendly and global leader in industry. We strive to help every one of our employees to keep growing and improving. A dynamic day job that will allow you to express all of your ideas and advance as you gain more skills.Elkem prides on high efficiency work. Work that is smart, not hard. A team of people bound together with same passion and drive to make your business life engaging and inspiring.We are looking forward to your future cooperation with us.


