

所属行业: 教育/培训/院校+专业服务(咨询/财会/法律/翻译等),金融/银行/投...
公司性质: 合资
公司规模: 20-99人
公司地址: 长寿路360号源达大厦25楼2511室 查看地图
公司介绍: 普瑞企业管理咨询有限公司创建于2003年,10多年来我们已经为上百家著名跨国公司在中国,以及亚太地区提供了很多优质的培训和发展项目,通过提供这些服务并且在服务中一直保持的高标准,我们在培训和服务的质量、熟练程度以及可靠性上已经拥有了有口皆碑的声誉。我们立志与当今的培训需求和趋势保持同步,同时我们坚持不懈的引进颇具新意的方法,帮助我们的客户改进他们的绩效。我们的方针是提供客户定制的培训解决方案以满足我们每个客户的个性化需求,并帮助他们来改进绩效。灵活的和我们客户保持紧密的合作关系,是我们取得成功的关键。我们专注于提供一套完整的培训解决方案、客户定制的服务来支持培训流程中的每个阶段。我们的能力是为我们每个客户的个性化需求提供最佳的解决方案,并在确保我们的培训服务质量的同时为客户兼顾时间和成本。我们不断的观察市场趋势,提升我们的专业能力和服务质量。我们的目标:和您组成一个团队,一起增强员工的生产力,质量,和绩效从而提高我们组织的整体效率。我们的主要客户阿迪达斯,辉瑞,RFS,德州仪器,富士施乐,联合汽车电子,朗讯阿尔卡特,通用汽车,桦榭广告,威孚,阿里巴巴,UPM……Founded in 2003, Bovis Management Consulting Co. Ltd provides a comprehensive range of training services to Corporate Clients throughout China and other countries in Asia Pacific.    We keep abreast of current training needs and trends, and we are constantly introducing innovative ways to improve the quality and convenience of our training services.Our policy is to provide customized, tailored solutions to suit the individual requirements and resources of each of our clients. We do so by focusing on flexibility and working closely with each of our clients.Business Focus Bovis provides a total training solution, customized services and support at each stage of the training process. Our ability to provide tailored solutions for each client’s unique needs ensures that our training services are relevant as well as both time and cost effective. We constantly monitor trends in the market place and upgrade our skills base, facilities and services accordingly. Our aim: to work with you as a team to enhance productivity, quality, service and performance in order to improve organizational effectiveness.

