

所属行业: 医药/生物工程+石油/石化/化工
公司性质: 股份制企业
公司规模: 100-499人
公司地址: 江苏省南通启东市滨江医药化工园区上海路338号 查看地图
公司介绍: 江苏诚信药业有限公司是一家股份制高新技术企业,坐落于人杰地灵的、素有江海明珠之称的江苏启东市滨江医药化工园区,与上海崇明岛仅一江之隔,距上海市仅一小时车程,交通十分便捷。     公司成立于2010年,占地面积60000平方米,固定资产总投入人民币3亿元,主要从事化学原料药及医药中间体的研发、生产和销售。公司非常注重科技创新和研发投入,并始终秉持“品质+创新”的核心理念,以“关爱人类健康”为宗旨,重点构建做细、做精、做强原料药系列化、规模化的特色产品,进一步推进和深化国际化发展战略,全面融入国际制药产业链,努力打造国内国际具有竞争力的制药企业。     公司自创办以来,始终实施以“人才为本,科技为先,发展为重,共享共赢”的可持续发展战略,并一直以“追求卓越,福及众生”为使命,全力打造一流的诚信品牌,打造受人尊敬的企业。并始终坚持“人是一切之根本”的人才观念,坚持“用人唯才,任人为贤,人尽其才,才尽其用”的用人理念,坚持以“诚实笃信,唯实创新,同心同德,精益求精”企业精神,推动公司健康、快乐发展!    公司秉承“以需求为导向,以双赢为目的,以质量为核心,以服务为手段”的经营理念,同时以品质引领市场,以创新获得差异,以成本赢得优势来满足客户的需求,并以诚信人热情和认真务实的工作态度,为广大客户提供最满意的产品和优质服务,我们将成为广大客户永远值得信赖的合作伙伴! Jiangsu Chengxin
pharmaceutical co., LTD. Is a joint-stock high-tech enterprises, located in the
beautiful, and known as jiangsu qidong jianghai pearl riverside pharmaceutical
chemical industrial park, with the Shanghai chongming island, the only an
hour's drive from Shanghai, the traffic is very convenient. The company
was founded in 2010, covers an area of 60000 square meters, total investment in
fixed assets 300 million yuan, mainly engaged in chemical active pharmaceutical
ingredients and pharmaceutical intermediates research and development,
production and sales. Company is very pay attention to scientific and
technological innovation and r&d, and always uphold the "quality +
innovation" the core idea, in order to "care for human health"
for the purpose, focus on building do fine, fine, and stronger API series,
large-scale features of the product, to further promote and deepen the
internationalization development strategy, fully into the international
pharmaceutical industry chain, to build international competitive pharmaceutical
enterprise in China. Company
since its inception, always implement the "talent, technology first,
development, sharing a win-win" the sustainable development strategy, and
has always been to "the pursuit of excellence, and a blessing to all"
for the mission, to create first-class brand integrity, create a respected
enterprise. And always adhere to the "people is the foundation of all
things" concept of talent, adhere to the "open to choose and employ
persons, appoint none but people on their merit, to use" the concept of
choose and employ persons, insist on "honesty belief, reality innovation,
unite as one, excellence" spirit of enterprise, promote company
development of healthy and happy! 

adhering to the "demand oriented, in a win-win situation for the purpose,
take the quality as the core, by means of service" business philosophy,
leads the market by the quality at the same time, to get different innovation,
win advantage with cost to meet customer demand, and people with sincere enthusiasm
and earnest practical work attitude, for the overwhelming majority of customers
with the most satisfactory products and quality service, we will become our
customers forever trustworthy partner!

