

所属行业: 交通/运输/物流
公司性质: 外商独资
公司规模: 1000-9999人
公司地址: 陆家嘴东路166号23楼
公司介绍: Founded in 1907 as a messenger company in the United States, UPS has grown into a multi-billion-dollar corporation with one of the most recognized and admired brands in the world. As the largest express carrier and package delivery company in the world, we are also a leading provider of specialized transportation, logistics, capital, and e-commerce services. Every day we manage the flow of goods, funds and information in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

No company in the world delivers more packages than UPS, moving more than 14 million packages and documents daily. In addition, UPS also operates one of the 9 largest airlines in the world, manages more than 500,000 ocean shipments annually and processes more than five million U.S. customs entry annually.

UPS commenced business in China in 1988, through a service agreement with Sinotrans. Since then, it has invested heavily in expanding its distribution network in China and providing more package delivery and supply chain services to reach its commitment to find innovative ways that will enable businesses in China to capitalize on global commerce.

The strength of UPS is its people, working together with a common purpose. Although methods, equipment, and procedures are important, and we constantly strive to improve them, our most valuable assets are loyal and capable people. We believe that all our people, and the jobs they perform, can make important contributions to our company. We maintain an environment that enables them to obtain personal satisfaction from their work.


1. 富有同业竞争力的薪酬
2. 提供完善的社会保险和公积金
3. 为员工及其子女提供补充商业医疗保险
4. 提供免费员工体检
5. 提供员工生日和重大节日礼品
6. 提供不少于10天的带薪年假
7. 提供必要的业务培训
8. 提供多样的员工活动
9. 提供优先考虑内部员工的职业发展机会

